Ranil Jayawardena—Member of Parliament for North East Hampshire—has launched a special response card for the consultation on the revised South Western Railway (SWR) timetable.
The special response card follows the meeting Mr Jayawardena had with the Managing Director of SWR at the end of last month, when the train operator committed to consult on an alternative timetable, which protects the level of service from Hook, Winchfield and Fleet, whilst boosting the number of seats and speeding up some journeys too. The alternative timetable is available at: bit.ly/nehtimetable
As well as supporting the revised proposals, the special response card also supports more calls at Clapham Junction, along with more services at Fleet and Farnborough, so long as none of the local stations lose out.
Ranil Jayawardena MP, said: "Today, I ask you to complete the card I have prepared in response to the revised SWR timetable. We are stronger if we stand together. My special response card lands the strongest possible message to SWR and is focused on fighting the fight we need to win. Even if you have already sent in your thoughts as part of the consultation, it is not too late to send this in as well."
Mr Jayawardena continued: "We must keep working together on this matter, if we don't want to end up with the original, disastrous proposals. Thank you for your continued support."
The special response card is available attached - anyone wanting a hard copy of the special response card can obtain one by sending an email with their postal address to trains@tellranil.com