Chris Dorn
Chris was re-elected to Hart District Council in the election on May 4th 2023
Chris has lived in Hart for 34 years.
He is Vice Chairman of Hart Council, Military Covenant councillor champion, is a member of the Development Management (Planning), Licensing and Standards committees of Hart Council and the Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee (FACC). He has been in the vanguard of the fight against Shapley Heath, has been supporting and informing residents about the junction 5 mega warehouses. He has helped to resolve several sensitive residential planning issues and regularly keeps residents updated about key issues and local events of interest via local Facebook pages.
Chris started his professional career in the Royal Navy and came to work at RAE Farnborough in 1990. He remains a professional engineer and works as a consultant in the Space industry. In 2019 he was elected to represent Odiham ward on Hart District Council, where has built on previous success and ensure Hart remains a great place for all of us to live. He has 2 growing children so understands the many pressures facing parents and this drives a focus on youth through his support for the Odiham Scout District Executive and previous work on the Fleet Area Schools Working Group.
He served on Crondall Parish Council from 2008 and as Chairman from 2013 to 2021. During that time, he worked with a great team to deliver real benefits to the parish, including: a new playground, championed the Neighbourhood Plan and led the fight against inappropriate development, including winning a Statutory Review at the High Court. He introduced the concept of “Planning Lead” to the Parish Council, pioneered the use of the Speed Indicator Device around the parish and remains the a key expert for flood mitigation in Crondall.
Chris can be contacted via: [email protected]
Fun Fact: Chris has donated 76 units of blood and remains on the bone marrow register.